
1. Seniors and juniors are eligible to purchase a parking permit after all class fees and dues have been paid and outstanding debts cleared. The cost for a permit is $75.00 and may be purchased from Ms. Diehr at the finance window outside of counseling upon completing the registration form including owner's signature. Driver's license and vehicle registration must be presented at time of purchase. Violations of the following policies will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense. Permits may be revoked for reckless and/ or improper driving with no refund provided. Students are reminded that the marching band uses the lower lot for practice and all vehicles must be moved from this lot by 3:45 p.m.

2. As a condition for obtaining a permit to park a vehicle on school grounds, a student and the student's parent, if he/she is the owner of the vehicle, must agree, in writing, to allow school officials to search his/her vehicle if a school official has reasonable cause to believe that the student has a prohibited substance, a weapon, or any other dangerous or illegal item in his/her vehicle.

3. Student motor vehicles are not to be moved or otherwise used during the school day without permission from the school office.

4. Students shall not sit in motor vehicles, nor shall they congregate around vehicles or in parking lots at any time during the school day.

5. Upon request of the principal or his/her designee, motor vehicle keys may be required to be turned in to the principal's office each day upon arrival at school.

6. Under certain circumstances, principals will have the right to revoke the student's parking permit for attendance issues including excessive tardies or class cuts, other disciplinary issues, failure to display permit, use of permit on unauthorized vehicle, excessive speed on school property, etc.

7. Students who park on the Mechanicsville campus must have their parking permit displayed and may park in any lot EXCEPT the administration-visitor lot, reserved faculty spaces, and the bus loop. Juniors may park in all student parking areas EXCEPT the senior parking lot (formerly called the jock lot).

8. All motor vehicles parking on school grounds shall have a valid registration as required by the State of Virginia.

9. Additional regulations for the control of the use of motor vehicles by students may be made by the principal as deemed necessary to maintain proper control.

10. Permit must be displayed on the vehicle for which it is purchased. Permits are non­-transferable and cannot be shared with other students.

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