Please contact the school registrar, Kelly Sovine, to make an appointment to register your child. Registrations are by appointment only.
Forms & Information
To register an eligible child, please be sure to bring the following to our office. You can access and print forms on the division website.
Child's birth certificate (official or certified copy)
Photo ID of parent of legal guardian
Student Enrollment Form
School Entrance Health Form
Affirmation Regarding Expulsion Form
Proof of address reflecting the resident's name and physical address must also be provided and include either a signed current lease, a deed, a current mortgage statement from the lender, or a sales contract for the purchase of the residence (signed by seller and purchaser) AND TWO of the following, which must reflect the resident's name, physical mailing address, and service address:
Current bill for land-line telephone, cable, internet, satellite, water, gas/oil or electricity service
Voter registration card
Current automobile registration card
W-2 tax document for the most recent tax year
A combined bill and receipt for personal property taxes paid within the current year
Bank statements, medical bills, or official correspondence from a governmental agency dated within the last two months